Contact Us

Mailing address:

PO Box 1562 Ogden, UT 84402

For questions call or email:

Uplift Families

Email : [email protected]

    commented on Contact Us 2019-06-20 20:20:27 -0600
    how do I download the The Resiliency Toolkit: A Busy Parent’s Guide to Raising Happy, Confident, Successful Children. I know we only have a day left.
    commented on Contact Us 2019-04-24 13:41:23 -0600
    I am a relationship coach specializing in helping couples with young children. I would like to volunteer to speak at your upcoming conference. Who could I talk to to get more details?
    commented on Contact Us 2019-04-22 03:59:35 -0600

    My name is Kevin, I was looking through your site and saw that you share information Mental Health with Mental Health America (MHA).

    We wanted to thank you helping spread this information along people.

    If you’re still updating your site, here are a few resources we recommend, together

    we can help a lot more people.

    I hope these articles are of your interest, if you’d like to read more please let us know.
    commented on Contact Us 2019-03-12 09:12:34 -0600
    I am part of Healthy Relationships Utah, through Utah State University’s extension. We offer a variety of classes free to parents. Would you be interested in posting our resources on your website?
    commented on Contact Us 2018-09-19 16:21:28 -0600
    I am program chair for the Salt Lake Chapter of the American Association of University Women. We are a nonprofit organization with the mission of empowering women and girls through advocacy and education. I have been through your site several times and am impressed with the resources you have for families. Would it be possible to have someone from your organization come to our November 10th meeting and tell us about how you came about, what you do for families in our community, and what volunteers can do for you?

    If you would like to know more about us you can go to this link

    Best Wishes,

    Theresa Otteson
    commented on Contact Us 2018-09-19 15:04:43 -0600
    commented on Contact Us 2018-09-04 16:08:18 -0600
    Hi, I purchased two tickets on 9/4 with my visa but received no confirmation email. Just wanted to make sure it went through. Once I hit the button to purchase tickets I got a message on the site saying: thanks for your donation. Do we not need tickets this year?
    commented on Contact Us 2018-09-03 17:02:54 -0600
    Hi. We just purchased 6 earlybird tickets to your conference for Sept. 29 at UVCC in Provo, but after giving our credit card info, it just said that we made a donation to Upllift Families and didn’t send a receipt page for us to print or give any validation that we purchased the 6 tickets we entered and/or what amount was charged to our card. Please let us know asap how to obtain a receipt of the $90 we spent for us and our two adult kids and their spouse and finace to attend. Thank you, Tom and Louise (801)489-8484 (landline, no texts)
    commented on Contact Us 2018-08-23 18:09:30 -0600
    I purchased 2 tickets and did not receive the early bird discount of $20. It was $30, just inquiring!

    I can’t wait to attend again! This will be my 5th or 6th year going. I love it so much!!