Your Feedback

Uplift Families is a resource for you.  We are very interested to hear what you have to say.  Your message will be reviewed by Uplift Families senior staff members and we try to respond to everyone.  Thanks for sharing your voice!

    commented on Your Feedback 2021-12-31 02:35:50 -0700
    There is nothing guiding parents to early intervention and preschool in our state. Please reference all 15 programs in our state at
    commented on Your Feedback 2021-06-10 14:33:43 -0600
    I believe that having Waterford Upstart as a resource here would be invaluable! We can easily send whatever is needed to be listed as a resource.
    commented on Your Feedback 2020-10-08 08:39:37 -0600
    Please include in your resources.
    commented on Your Feedback 2020-09-19 18:18:26 -0600
    I click on the age and general topic and it doesn’t do anything?!
    commented on Your Feedback 2019-10-20 13:45:52 -0600
    Hi. I found your resource directory while searching for family resources. I’d like to suggest a product that you could add to your directory. ChoreFly is a positive reinforcement tool for parents. Parents set up chores and rewards. But, it can also be configured to reinforce other desired behaviors such as hygiene and good grades. You can find out more at
    commented on Your Feedback 2019-07-12 15:33:50 -0600
    The Utah Parent Center is a great resource for families who have a child with special needs/disabilities. They serve families of children from zero to adulthood. Their website is They would be a valuable resource to include on your list!
    commented on Your Feedback 2019-06-04 12:17:51 -0600
    Hi, My name is Patricia Vigo. I am a Parent Consultant serving the Spanish speaking families. We help parents to help their children, young adults or adults with special needs or disabilities. I like your website, you have great information and resources I believe will benefit the families I work with. I will like to know if you have information in Spanish. Thanks!