UPLIFT FAMILIES is our initiative to connect parents with information, resources and programs that help them acquire knowledge and skills to raise loving, responsible, and happy children.
We believe that strong parent-child relationships are the key to providing children with tools and encouragement to make healthy and safe choices in their lives, keeping them free from drugs, alcohol, violence, crime and pornography. This UPLIFT FAMILIES program includes web-based resources, social media experiences, educational materials and periodic conferences on parenting and family issues.
Please enjoy our new website and resource center! We are always eager to hear your comments and feedback, you can always share your thoughts with us by clicking here.
Jeanette Herbert
Uplift Families Founder
Former First Lady of Utah
Christian Moore is an internationally renowned author, speaker, licensed clinical social worker, and advocate for at-risk youth. Christian appeared on KUTV's Fresh Living to discuss providing people with the specific tools necessary to develop resiliency in the face of life’s challenges. His personal mission is to ensure that youth are given an opportunity to succeed, regardless of social or economic status, race, background, or other personal obstacles. Be sure to tune in for Christian Moore's TIPS Talk during the Uplift Families Parenting TIPS TV Special, September 16 at 6 p.m. on KUTV Channel 2.

Spring into Summer with the ResilientYOU Parent Guide
POSTED BY Steve James on June 08, 2023
Visit https://resilientyou.org/2023-parent-guide/ to learn ways to build resilience in children and families. ResilientYOU presents a new way to help your kids learn how to be resilient, featuring quick and helpful resources, plus a musical children’s show your kids will love! The Episode of Something Good for Kids is a fast-paced musical children’s show that teaches resilience in a fun and catchy way.
Read MoreFree Resources For Family Fun
POSTED BY James Arrington on June 01, 2023
As the saying goes, families that play together stay together! Spending quality time together as family is a fun and effective way of strengthening relationships, promoting positive youth development. Positive youth development is all of the skills and traits needed to help youth become healthy, caring competent and contributing members of society. The Hidden Gem Adventure Guides are FREE resources for family fun!
Read More5 Methods That Generate a Foundation of Resilience in Children part 2
POSTED BY Peter Clegg on May 15, 2023
Part 2 (Methods 3-5) The following sections will provide the final 3 out of 5 distinct methods that will generate a foundation of resilience in our children. #3 Provide Opportunities for Skill Development A major component of resilience is skill development. If there aren’t obvious opportunities for involvement, create them. A 7-year-old will be capable of different tasks than a 3-year-old, yet both need opportunities to develop skills. When preparing a meal and your child asks if they can help, enlist them! Even if they don’t offer, enlist them! A family means everyone pitches in to functionally operate. Perhaps one can help set the table, sweep the floor, take out the trash, etc. Keep your own expectations in check, it’s possible their performance will not meet your standard. This is normal and should be expected, especially at first. You’ll find as they get more experience their skill level will improve. Building resilience is the long-game, it’ll be frustrating initially, but over time these opportunities to develop skills will pay off when you find how capable they are as they transition into adulthood. Until then – provide opportunities to practice now and cheer them on along the way. Hard things happen to everyone, what sets people apart is how they respond to adversity.
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