Speaker Notes
Christian Moore
- Parenting is a great opportunity to teach resilience to our children.
- We can use life’s challenges to become stronger and improve ourselves.
- Use my challenges to improve ourselves.
- 40-60 thousand negative emotions during the day some positive, some negative.
- Create a productive outcome with our negative emotions is just as important as maximizing our positive emotions.
- Twice the fuel source to bounce back if you can maximize both positive and negative emotions.
- Humans bond through authenticity.
- Teach our kids that success is in resilience and the ability to bounce back.
Sarah Kimmel
Parental Controls need to exist on multiple layers to keep our kids safe online.
- First Layer - In-app Parental Controls.
- Many apps include built in parent controls that you can
- Second Layer - On Device Parent Controls.
- IOS (i-phones) and Android devices have built-in parental controls that you can set.
- IOS – Under Family Sharing under Apple-iPhone Settings, then set up screen time.
- Android – Google Family Link
- Also set up parent controls through third party software that help monitor our kids online activity.
- IOS (i-phones) and Android devices have built-in parental controls that you can set.
- Third Layer – On Network (wireless network inside home or cellular network for phones or other devices)
- Best place to put a content filter to help keep out inappropriate sites.
- Content filtering and control time limits on devices.
- Use Wi-Fi router that has parental controls built in.
- Set up limits through parental control filters through cellular provider.
Brandy Vega
- Teach our kids:
- Life can be hard.
- We can do hard things.
- Getting through hard things makes us stronger.
- Our challenges can make us better.
- Look for the good and keep fighting.
Deanna Lambson
- Some parents are concerned that children are feeling increased stress in school.
- If we understand how the brain works, it can help bring positive emotions to our brain.
- Tic Tac Toe Tool to help with stress (link)
- Turn it off
- Talk to a trusted adult
- Turn to something active
- 4 Ways to help with stress
- Get Moving
- Get Outside
- Get Sleep
- Get a Hug
- Brain Bingo
Yeah Samake
- Break chains of poverty through receiving education.
- Family is the center of life.
- Pass values of service, time together, spirituality to our children.
- Allow children to experience life and live their fullest potential.
- Raise children with empowerment and hope.
- Remember our parents and those who have sacrificed for us.
- Teach children to perpetuate universal values in their lives.
Mauli Bonner
- Importance of teaching our children about different cultures and people.
- How can we overcome challenge of bullying?
- Teach our children about the beauty of the differences between them and other children.
- Our children can be friends with those who are different.
- We can teach children about our history and those who came before them.
- We can teach our children what we would have them learn and draw strength from.