Utah Afterschool Network
The Utah Afterschool Network (UAN) is a non-profit organization established in 2005 by a consortium of over 100 afterschool practitioners, youth advocates, and leaders of state agencies. We work to connect key decision makers and resources to establish statewide structures that foster policies committed to funding and sustaining quality afterschool/out-of-school time programming.
Source: utahafterschool.org
Autism and Asperger Syndrome
This nonprofit organization for Autism and Asperger education, support, and solutions has a mission to Provide the Opportunity for everyone living with Autism, Asperger Syndrome and other related disorders to achieve their fullest potential, by enriching the Autism and Asperger community with education, training, accessible resources, and partnerships with local and national projects.
Source: www.usautism.org
15 nonprofit organizations have joined forces to support parents of the one in five children with learning and attention issues throughout their journey.
Source: understood.org
Understanding Preschool Behavior
Wondering what to expect from children’s behaviour in the preschool years? There might be tantrums, habits, lying, anxiety and more. Your preschooler needs your support and encouragement to guide his behaviour in these years. This website helps parent navigate this tricky transition.
Source: raisingchildren.net
Sensory Processing Disorder
A thorough explanation and a name for the behaviors and developmental concerns that exist - which seemed almost impossible to understand or cope with.
Source: sensory-processing-disorder.com
Preschooler's Busy Book
This book contains 365 activities (one for each day of the year) for three- to six-year-olds using things found around the home. This book is written with warmth and sprinkled with humor and insight. It should be required reading for anyone raising or teaching preschool-age children.
Source: amazon.com
Parenting Counts is a research-based resource developed to support parents and caregivers in raising socially and emotionally healthy children. Our approach is to provide parents, caregivers, and early learning professionals with information they can trust, understand, and use in their daily interactions with children.
Source: parentingcounts.org
Stop Bullying
When adults respond quickly and consistently to bullying behavior they send the message that it is not acceptable. Research shows this can stop bullying behavior over time. This website gives resources for understanding bullying and how to talk to your kids about it.
Source: stopbullying.gov
Temperament Overview
A web article detailing the ten temperament traits and why they are important in understanding children and young adults.
Source: centerforparentingeducation.org
Social and Emotional Development
A website for parents to find social and emotional milestones. These are some signs of emotional and social develpment that can be harder to pinpoint.
Source: pbs.org