Why is Parenting so hard?
An article that points out why parenting may feel difficult and how to parent and feel good about the job you are doing with your kids.
Source: centerforparentingeducation.org
What is Bullying
This article will provide a greater understanding of each actor in the drama and what you can do to help your children.
Source: centerforparentingeducation.org
What is ADHD
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a brain disorder marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity that interferes with functioning or development. This website gives helpful information
Source: nimh.nih.gov
Violence Prevention Works
Resources for parents to understand the impact of bullying and how to respond to it.
Source: https://www.hazelden.org/store/publicpage/youth-prevention
Kids Ready to Read
Early literacy skills are what a child needs to know before he/she learns to read and write. The goals of early literacy are to increase the frequency and intention with which parents and caregivers to talk with their children, share books with their children, and bring their children to the library.
Source: utahkidsreadytoread.org
Bullying Issues
Resources for parents to help their kids if they are the bullied, the bully, or someone witnessing bulling. Dispells myths and offers helpful techniques for preventing bullying
Source: centerforparentingeducation.org
15 nonprofit organizations have joined forces to support parents of the one in five children with learning and attention issues throughout their journey.
Source: understood.org
Understanding Preschool Behavior
Wondering what to expect from children’s behaviour in the preschool years? There might be tantrums, habits, lying, anxiety and more. Your preschooler needs your support and encouragement to guide his behaviour in these years. This website helps parent navigate this tricky transition.
Source: raisingchildren.net
Utah Education Network
Parent and caregiver resources to help children in school. It also includes early learning help and other websites and resources.
Source: www.uen.org
UEN Core Standards
Resources to help parents understand the core standards for each grade.
Source: uen.org