Bullying Issues
Resources for parents to help their kids if they are the bullied, the bully, or someone witnessing bulling. Dispells myths and offers helpful techniques for preventing bullying
Source: centerforparentingeducation.org
Know Your Script
Eating Disorders in Teens
Information on eating disorders in teens. Provides explanations, warning signs, and how to help teens avoid unhealthy body image and eating disorders.
Source: teens.webmd.com
Understanding of Mental Illness
Thomas Insel, the director of the National Institute of Mental Health, wonders: Could we do the same for depression and schizophrenia? The first step in this new avenue of research, he says, is a crucial reframing: for us to stop thinking about "mental disorders" and start understanding them as "brain disorders."
Source: ted.com
UEN Core Standards
Resources to help parents understand the core standards for each grade.
Source: uen.org
The Younique Foundation
The Younique Foundation is committed to helping women who were sexually abused as children or adolescents. Our 5 Strategies to Reclaim Hope will give women ways to begin or continue on their healing journey
Source: youniquefoundation.org
Mistakes Divorced Parents Make
WebMD spoke with family and divorce expert M. Gary Neuman, who gives exes pointers on how to split up without emotionally destroying their kids.
Source: webmd.com
Sensory Processing Disorder
A thorough explanation and a name for the behaviors and developmental concerns that exist - which seemed almost impossible to understand or cope with.
Source: sensory-processing-disorder.com
The Science behind Drug Abuse
Resources for Teens to understand that harms of drug abuse and how to avoid it.
Source: teens.drugabuse.gov
Teen Parenting
Fact and resources for teen parents and their parents. Resources and information provided.
Source: hhs.gov