What is Autism
This website give helpful information on Autism for parents.
Source: nimh.nih.gov
ASD and Visual Supports
The Visual Supports and Autism Spectrum Disorder tool kit provides a step-by-step, easy-to-understand introduction to visual supports and the ways that parents and other caregivers can begin using them.
Source: autismspeaks.org
Utah Parent Center
The mission of the Utah Parent Center (UPC or Center) is to help parents help their children, youth and young adults with all disabilities to live included, productive lives as members of the community.
Source: utahparentcenter.org
Autism and Asperger Syndrome
This nonprofit organization for Autism and Asperger education, support, and solutions has a mission to Provide the Opportunity for everyone living with Autism, Asperger Syndrome and other related disorders to achieve their fullest potential, by enriching the Autism and Asperger community with education, training, accessible resources, and partnerships with local and national projects.
Source: www.usautism.org
The Hanen Centre
The Hanen Centre is committed to supporting parents, early childhood educators and speech-language pathologists in their efforts to promote the best possible language, social and literacy skills in young children.
Source: hanen.org
Reading Tips for Parents of Preschoolers
A website that offers tips to parents about making reading an enjoyable learning experience for young children. This page also offers Spanish resources.
Source: readingrockets.org
Play Project
A website that provides information and resources about Autism, and further provides a certification program for professionals to implement appropriate interventions to help Autisitc children.
Source: playproject.org
Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation
A treatment center dedicated to understanding individual sensory problems, and then finding the best way to address the issue.
Source: spdfoundation.net
Sensory Integration/Processing (Videos)
Pathways.org Presents: Sensory Issues in Children: Developing Your Child's Senses with Dr. Susanne Smith Roley and Elissa Moore.
Source: youtube.com
Early Autism Treatment
This website provides information for parents and care takers of children with Autism. It provides information on up to day research and advice.
Source: feat.org